Kreuz Grundschule Dortmund

Dear Parents

Welcome to the website of Kreuz-Grundschule Dortmund. I invite you to learn about the education our school can offer your children from 1st grade to 4th grade.

Our school’s highly qualified and dedicated teachers provide a caring and nurturing educational environment guided by the school’s core values of respect, fairness and honesty. Our education prepares pupils for lifelong learning and to be responsible world citizens.

In our bilingual program, emphasis is placed on acquiring English language skills in an immersion setting. A team of two teachers, one English speaker and one German speaker, work together. The advantages of the bilingual program at Kreuz-Grundschule are the extensive exposure to the English language and culture promoting intercultural understanding.

Our optional after-school childcare program offers hot lunch, homework support and various activities including sports, language, arts and crafts classes. The after-school program operates until 5:00 pm on school days.

We encourage all parents and family members to take an active role in their child’s education. At Kreuz-Grundschule we are fortunate to have an incredibly supportive and involved parent community.

An Open House (Tag der offenen Tür) and a Parent Information Night (Infoabend) are held at the beginning of the academic year. These events provide an excellent opportunity for parents to meet the teachers and to tour the classrooms.

To learn more about Kreuz-Grundschule, please email us at
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We look forward to hearing from you!

Vera Gelissen